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Beverley Ng

I am an artist and designer living in Singapore.

My work weaves layered textures and ephemera, inviting you to linger and uncover its details. These elements come together in collages and illustrations that (hopefully) charm with their tactile storytelling.

Over the years, I’ve had the chance to contribute art direction to cultural institutions like The Substation, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, and OH! Open House. I enjoy teasing out meaningful narratives in my projects and bringing them to life with my distinct visual style—creating work that resonates deeply and leaves a lasting impression.
In my personal work, I make pencil illustrations about the people and places around me. These drawings are my quiet tribute to the everyday—little moments that are worth celebrating. My collages, on the other hand, are less about quiet reverence and more about reveling in the joy of using my hands and creating chance art. When I can, I invite others to join the fun by hosting Make-A-Zine workshops.

I write a Substack weekly that documents my creative process—blogging about discoveries and difficulties is also a way for me to re-engage with writing again.
When I am not creating, I’m likely to be exploring Singapore’s parks, cooking Asian food, or hunting for Chinese ceramics to add to my collection.

Let’s create something together!


Art Direction
Graphic Design
Clients and Commissions
CapitaLand, Esplanade–Theatres on the Bay, Facebook Open Arts, Figment, Institute of Mental Health, Jom Magazine, National Arts Council, National Gallery Singapore, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defence, OH! Open House, RICE Media, Singapore Art Museum, The Projector, The Substation, Vogue Singapore
Make-A-Zine, National Gallery Singapore
Make-A-Zine, library@orchard Pro Series
Make-A-Zine, Illustration Arts Fest 2023
Make-A-Zine, Clementi Town Secondary School

Light to Night 2025, Artist
Kuala Lumpur Art Book Fair 2024
Singapore Art Book Fair 2024
Iibrary@orchard Pro Series